“Eco Baltia grupa” – Catch in the Act Those Who Dispose of Construction Waste Illegally
At least 100 000 tons of construction waste is disposed of illegally in Latvia in inappropriate locations that do not only harm the environment and human health but also causes considerable loss to the owners of the land. During the last years the number of places, where construction waste is disposed of illegally, has a growing tendency.
Due to the agency’s support the social campaign brings this problem into the public focus increasingly each year. Opinion leaders are also extending a helpful hand and explaining to the public the matter of responsible management of waste along with the necessity to include in legislation more stringent requirements and control mechanisms for construction waste management.
“Eco Baltia grupa” together with “BKC” organized a successful social campaign encouraging the population to take an active part and report illegal disposal of waste in natural areas.
Information about illegal construction waste dump sites was collected with the help of supporters of the campaign – Tvnet.lv, Rus.Tvnet.lv, Delfi.lv, Rus.delfi.lv and LTV1 program “Vides fakti”.